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Criadas pela artista plastica Valeria Roncoli, Bella Zadore e uma colecao de 12 personagens para fazer voce pensar, rir e apreciar ser mulher. Explore o mundo de Bella percorra e obtenha dicas de onde ir, oque fazer e como manter sua beleza interior e exterior. Bella Zadore e uma propriedade de Valeria Roncoli Studio.

As garotas Bella Zadore

As garotas Bella Zadore
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terça-feira, 11 de maio de 2010

“Got a Bun in the Oven?”

Are you pregnant or considering having a baby?  Do you know someone who is?  Or…do you just love babies in general?  If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these questions, head over to our Pregnancy page by Vanessa.  Our self-proclaimed “preg-Goddess” is here to assist her fellow mommies-to-be by sharing everything she’s learned on her pregcellent adventure (or “parous journey”).  This month, she’s compiled a list of Do’s and Don’ts for women in, or looking to join the pudding club.  Check back every month with Vanessa for tips, and don’t forget to hit up our forum to share your experiences.

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